30 Years of Winning Results for Our Clients
Our Experienced Lawyers Handle All Aspects of Your Case, and Work Hard to Keep the Process as Stress Free as Possible for You.
30 Years of Winning Results for Our Clients
Our Experienced Lawyers Handle All Aspects of Your Case, and Work Hard to Keep the Process as Stress Free as Possible for You.
Philadelphia Defective Product Injury Lawyer
We take for granted the many products we use in our day-to-day lives to be safe for their advertised usage. Unfortunately, some of these products turn out to be faulty or defective, and they can bring real harm to unknowing victims. Mobile phones, medical devices, toys, motor vehicles, and appliances are only some examples of the numerous items that can cause serious injuries if they are defective.
If this has happened to you or your loved one, you may have a product liability case and you may be entitled to much-needed compensation. However, a product liability claim can get very challenging. You must prove the product was indeed faulty and that it caused your injury. Further, you will likely be facing large companies such as manufacturers and distributors. To protect your rights and fight for what you deserve, it is best to have an experienced injury lawyer on your side.
In Pennsylvania, you can rely on the Brod Law Firm to help you get fully compensated for your defective product injury. We are a personal injury law firm with over 30 years of experience, successfully standing up to companies and getting injured victims the payment they deserve.
Let’s talk about how we can help you. Consult with the Brod Law Firm for free.
What Type Of Product Defect Injured You?
There are three categories of product defects recognized in a product liability case. Determining the kind of defect is a key in identifying which party or parties are responsible for your injury.
- Design defect. When there is a flaw in the product design, all the items in the product line becomes inherently defective even if they were manufactured to exact specifications. You may have heard of companies having to do massive product recalls because of such a flaw. An example is a car model whose design makes it prone to roll over.
- Manufacturing defect. Sometimes, even if an item is flawlessly designed, something could go wrong while it is being put together. A manufacturing defect is typically a mistake that slips through the cracks, so it affects only some – not all – of the items in a product line. For example, a child’s toy could become a choking hazard if it has a part that was improperly attached during manufacturing.
- Marketing defect. “Marketing” here refers not just to the advertising and promotion of the product, but also to its packaging, labeling, and attached information. Marketing defects include false advertising, unsuitable packaging, inadequate labeling, and lack of critical instructions. Examples are drugs and medical devices that provide no warning about their potential side effects.
Note that various parties may be held liable for a single injury case – the manufacturer, retailer, and even sales representatives may be involved. To get to the bottom of your injury and pinpoint all liable parties, let the Brod Law Firm investigate and build a case for you.
If Your Product Injury Occurred Some Time Ago…
It is best to act quickly with your product liability claim, as there is a law called the statute of limitations which sets a legal deadline for each case. In Pennsylvania, the statute of limitations gives you only two years from the day of your injury to file your claim – after that, the court will likely decline to hear your case.
However, there are exceptions. One is the discovery rule, which might be valuable if the faulty product injured you a few years ago. Under this rule, the clock for the statute of limitations starts not on the date you obtained the injury, but on the date you discovered it. This rule was created because not all injuries are immediately detected – some take time to show symptoms, such as when certain medicines slowly trigger harmful side effects.
Other exceptions to the regular statute of limitations include the minor age of the victim, and the bankruptcy of the defendant. Consult with us at the Brod Law Firm to see how best to proceed with your claim.
Choose The Brod Law Firm – Committed And Fearless
We at the Brod Law Firm put our 100 percent commitment to injured persons. We never work for companies – we fearlessly stand up to them to protect our clients. And over our three decades of service to injury victims, we have helped numerous Pennsylvanians obtain their maximum compensation and to get back on track with their lives.
We can do this for you, too. Talk to us in a free and confidential consultation. Contact the Brod Law Firm online or call our law office today.
Your Road to Justice
Starts Here
If you've been injured and would like to discuss your case with one of our experienced personal injury lawyers please fill out the form below.
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7600 Stenton Ave., Suite 1 L
Philadelphia, PA 19118
(215) 247-0255
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Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004
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Reading, PA 19601
(610) 375-9009